Day 05
Posted on Sun 05 December 2021 in aoc2021
See problem here.
First let's consider how to parse the input:
function parse_input(pi) {
var arr = pi.split('\n').map(String);
var segments = [];
for (var line of arr) {
var ab = line.split('->');
var a = ab[0].split(',');
var b = ab[1].split(',');
"x1": parseInt(a[0]), "y1": parseInt(a[1]),
"x2": parseInt(b[0]), "y2": parseInt(b[1])
return segments;
OK. Now that we have that out of the way let's define a function which can calculate the num_overlapping
lines for a grid.
// for reference, initialize n*n grid like this in js
// Array.from({length:n}, (_,i) => Array.from({length:n}, (_,j) => 0))
function num_overlapping(grid) {
var t = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < grid.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < grid[0].length; j++) {
if (grid[i][j] > 1) t += 1;
return t;
Let's assume that the max size of the grid will be 1000 (reasonable based on puzzle input). We have following line cases to consider:
- If
x1 == x2
we have a horizontal line (I am treatingx
as the row index andy
as the column index. Transpose of this will work as well...) - If
y1 == y2
we have a vertical line - If
Math.abs(segment.x1 - segment.x2) == Math.abs(segment.y1 - segment.y2)
we have a diagonal line (45 degrees)
Note that diagonal line is only included for part2.
We always will go through the point (x1, y1)
. Then we will move from (x1, y1)
to (x2, y2)
and mark all those points as well (including the end point). We can use following logic to increment/ decrement x
and y
if (segment.x2 !== segment.x1) x = (segment.x2 >= segment.x1) ? x + 1: x - 1;
if (segment.y2 !== segment.y1) y = (segment.y2 >= segment.y1) ? y + 1: y - 1;
Then it's just a matter of putting it all together:
function calculate_overlapping(pi, include_diagonal) {
var segments = parse_input(pi);
var grid = Array.from({length:1000}, (_,i) => Array.from({length:1000}, (_,j) => 0))
for (var segment of segments) {
if (segment.x1 === segment.x2 || segment.y1 === segment.y2 ||
(include_diagonal && Math.abs(segment.x1 - segment.x2) === Math.abs(segment.y1 - segment.y2))) {
var x = segment.x1;
var y = segment.y1;
grid[x][y] += 1;
while (x !== segment.x2 || y !== segment.y2) {
if (segment.x2 !== segment.x1) x = (segment.x2 >= segment.x1) ? x + 1: x - 1;
if (segment.y2 !== segment.y1) y = (segment.y2 >= segment.y1) ? y + 1: y - 1;
grid[x][y] += 1;
return num_overlapping(grid);
Here are my functions for part1
and part2
for reference.
function part1(pi) {
var ans = calculate_overlapping(pi, false);
console.log(`part1: ${ans}`);
function part2(pi) {
var ans = calculate_overlapping(pi, true);
console.log(`part2: ${ans}`);
Didn't do quite as well on leaderboard this time. Took me about 20 minutes to come up with this approach and a little longer to clean up the code.
Cool problem!